Scheduling Toolkit



Question for Department Chair Resource for Department Chair

When should I start gathering data?

Data should begin to be collected no later than eight weeks prior to schedule build deadlines.

What data should I gather?

除了下面引用的资源外,还可以从 Institutional Effectiveness, Enrollment Planning Resources, Scheduling Resources, and Astra Schedule to support this process.

What is my department’s instructional budget and FTES target?

Consult with your Dean/Associate Dean.

Question for Department Chair Resource for Department Chair

What courses have been designated for the current term?

请参考学位路线图,以确定需要提供哪些课程: AL, BE, CCOE, ECST, RXHHS, NSS

What courses were offered in previous terms?

Refer to dashboard and use the Year to Year Course Enrollment Comparison 报告,它允许您按学期(1)比较课程级别注册数据.e. spring 2020 vs. spring 2019).

Are there any courses that should be offered in sequence?

确定并正确排序作为其他课程先决条件的课程, 或者是多课程序列,让学生按计划完成课程序列.

Are there any courses that are only offered in certain terms?

Run the Typically Offered Courses query through GET (LA_SC_CM_TYPICALLY OFFERED_CTL) which indicates when courses are offered.

Will special topic courses be offered?

一个特殊的主题只有在通过课程日志批准后才能应用到课程部分. Refer to Curriculum Resources for information regarding curriculum review for special topics. Consult with the Associate Dean for any college deadline.

Have new courses and course modifications been proposed and approved through Curriculog, including the Tech Implementation step? If a course has a pending modification, 在课程获得批准之前,不应安排该课程的部分课程. Refer to Curriculum Resources for information regarding course proposals and modifications.


Question for Department Chair Resource for Department Chair

What are the projected admission numbers?

Refer to the IE Admission Tracking Tool, which can be filtered by major.

Run Active Students Query through GET (LA_SR_ACTIVE_STDNT_INFO) 哪个表示在特定学期中激活的学生人数.

How do I determine how many Major (core and elective) and GE courses need to be offered?

Determine needed capacity in Major and GE courses by accessing the Daily Major Report listed under Daily Major files by term.

Example: BUS Major

Did I factor in courses with high DFW rates?

Refer to dashboard to identify courses with high DFW rates. To access please click on Dashboard with ID Login

Example: DFWs

What were waitlists like for the previous terms?

Refer to Course Enrollment Detail 按学期,它允许您根据FTES,注册总数和等待列表进行筛选

Question for Department Chair Resource for Department Chair

How do I assign faculty to courses?

对于TT/T教员:确认是否有教员因为休假/休假而减少了负担, 授予重新分配/分配的时间(包括新终身教职员工的课程释放), or teaching in another college.

For lecturer faculty: Refer to the CFA Collective Bargaining Agreement, Order of Assignment, and the Faculty Affairs CFA/CSU CBA handout. 系主任应联系院长办公室查看权利报告, which indicates the type of contract for each lecturer (semester, year, 3 years, 无条件的)以及他们的权利是多少单位.

Have you collected data on faculty preferences 和/或上课时间的可用性和课程作业的适当性(i.e. which faculty are qualified to teach which classes)?

鼓励系主任维护一个包括该部门所有教员的电子表格, indicating appropriateness of class assignments, as well as availability of class times.

Example: Faculty Preferences

If faculty need ADA accommodations, has the proper paperwork been submitted to HR?

Refer to 遵守《足彩外围网站》(ADA)通知 for more information


Question for Department Chair Resource for Department Chair

Are there compelling pedagogical reasons why courses need to scheduled off-grid?

Course sections scheduled outside of standard time modules (i.e. off-grid) require prior approval to do so.

欲了解更多信息,请参阅参考网站上的“离网课程资源” Enrollment Planning Resources webpage under General Planning.

Have previously submitted requests for off-grid scheduling been approved?

Run and review the Semester Meeting Pattern Usage Query (LA_SC_ON_GRID) on GET.



Question for Department Chair Resource for Department Chair

When does a draft schedule of classes need to be completed?

Refer to Schedule Production Timelines for build deadline. Provide draft schedule to department scheduler at least a week before the deadline (与你所在部门的日程安排人员协商制定时间表所需的时间).

What information needs to be included in the draft schedule?

每门课程的课程表草案都包括课程前缀和编号, units, instruction mode, instructor (including WTUs), enrollment cap, and whether department or instructor consent is required.

What meeting patterns can I use to schedule course sections?

课程部分应按照标准时间模块进行安排. See Semester Daily Time Modules for more information.

Will any course sections be combined (previously understood as cross-listed courses)?

Two or more sections that are taught as a single class (i.e. with the same instructor(s) and at the same day, time, and location) must be scheduled as combined sections. Be sure to coordinate with allied departments on space and conflicts.

合并的部分需要副院长的批准,必须协调 Academic Services during schedule production prior to optimization.

Do students in the major have to take courses offered in another department? 与其他部门协商和协调潜在的时间冲突.
Do any of the courses being offered need to be linked (e.g. 数学2120-01的学生还必须注册数学2121-01(补充指导课程)。?

Make sure to note this for your department scheduler.

Did I check for time conflicts between prerequisite, co-requisite, elective or equivalent courses?


Do any courses being offered require instructor or department consent (i.e. supervision, field activity courses, internships, etc.)? Make sure to note this for your department scheduler.

Have I distributed course offerings throughout the day and week?

Distributing course sections throughout the day and week (i.e. 在黄金时段之外)可能会增加获得理想房间分配的可能性, helps eliminate bottlenecks, and provides students access to courses at a variety of times.

Refer to the Astra Schedule 'Meeting Patterns in Use' report and filter by subject. 检查您的部分,以确定您是否已将它们分布在标准时间模块中.


During this phase, the department scheduler inputs the schedule into GET, rooms are assigned through optimization, and final error checking occurs. Refer to the Schedule Production Timeline under Scheduling Resources for specific term.

BUILD: Department scheduler inputs the schedule into GET

Have all of my sections been built in GET correctly?

部门调度程序可以从GET (LA_SC_SEC_ALL_B_SESS_FID) to review and check for any errors.

OPTIMIZATION: Rooms are assigned during this period

What if some of my sections do not receive room assignments via optimization?

没有通过优化获得房间分配的部分通常是在黄金时间受到空间影响的结果.e. too much demand for the same rooms at the same time.)


Refer to 'Available Rooms' and 'Scheduling Grid' tools located in Astra Schedule 在“日历”下,以确定可能提供部分和额外房间的替代时间.

FINAL REVIEW: The schedule of classes, including all section details such as meeting patterns, room assignments, variable units, instructor assignments, etc. 是否应在课程表公布前在课程表制作时定稿.

How can I make adjustments to the schedule of classes?

在最后审查的第一阶段,学院调度人员开始审核所有部分. See Review Checklist found in the GET Schedule Production Guide for requirements. Solicit corrections from department schedulers as needed.

Once the schedule of classes is published, all requests to add, cancel, 或更改部分需要副院长批准,并且必须由学院调度人员通过时间表维护表提交给学术服务.

Do any of my sections have outstanding data corrections that need to be resolved?

Refer to the GET Schedule of Classes Build Guide and other guides on the Scheduling Resources webpage for requirements.
After the schedule of classes has been published, 也可以参考学术服务处提供的每周文件,了解仍然存在突出数据质量问题的部分.

Do any of my sections still need room assignments?

参考学术服务提供的优化结果,和/或 Astra Schedule Section List and filter for Meeting Status = Unassigned, to identify sections that may still require room assignments. 如果没有分配房间,学生将无法注册该部分.

Have I over-or-under-scheduled any course sections in comparison to their assigned room capacities?

Refer to the Astra Schedule “选定学期超额预定的部分”报告,以确定注册总数超过指定房间容量的部分. Refer to Room Assignments guidelines for enrollment and room capacity requirements.


Refer to the Astra Schedule “选定学期的低座位填充部分”报告,以审查分配的房间容量的百分比被该部分的注册使用.

Are faculty assignments listed in the schedule of classes?

教师的作业应该列在课程表上,因为这些课程往往比没有列出教师的课程更容易被填满. 请注意,尽早和尽可能准确地分配教师任务是至关重要的,因为它们是Astra Schedule在优化过程中使用的标准. 教师分配将有助于优化过程有效地分配房间的部分,教背靠背.


Question for Department Chair Resource for Department Chair

When should I cancel sections with low enrollment?

Associate Deans, in close consultation with Department Chairs, 是否应该仔细检查低入学率的课程,并在开学前至少21天取消这些课程. Refer to Cancellations guidelines for more information.


Example: Late Cancellation Analysis

When should I consider adding new sections of courses?

Monitor student enrollment by checking the Daily Enrollment Reports and review waitlists.
